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Large Flat Mixed Zoning Building Lot in San Joaquin de Flores

  • $1,600,000
Heredia, Heredia and Cariari
For Sale
Large Flat Mixed Zoning Building Lot in San Joaquin de Flores
Heredia, Heredia and Cariari
  • $1,600,000

Property Details

  • MLS ID: 124503
  • Price: $1,600,000
  • Lot Size (acre): 1.15 Acres
  • Lot size (m2): 4625 m2
  • Location: Heredia and Cariari
  • City: Heredia
  • Neighborhood San Joaquin de Flores
  • Property Status: For Sale
  • Property Type: Commercial properties

Property Description

Large Flat Commercial Building Lot in San Joaquin de Flores, Heredia for sale, at $346/m2. This is a very nice lot located in a very central area with heavy traffic. It would be ideal for a plaza, large hardware store, or storage.

There’s a home on the lot that needs to be renovated or removed.

Zoning is mixed Commercial – Residential:

The Mixed Zone: Residential – Commercial (ZMRC)

Article 19º-Definition: These are the spaces that concentrate most of the population and that present a mixed-use with commerce. The purpose of the ZMRC is to order urban development around the Historic Center Zone and the center of each district, to seek the best spatial integration, the best integration between residential use and commercial uses that are compatible with residential use. It allows, in conjunction with the Urban Expansion Zone, to consolidate and shape the existing and proposed urban quadrants and thus densify and concentrate space and population. The development of urbanization projects is not permitted in this zone.

Article 20

The USES applicable to the ZMRC are the following:

a. USES PERMITTED: 8-18-22-23-28-33-68-76-80-87-88-113-120-122-125-126-131-137-143-149-175-177-178.
All those uses which have not been included as permitted uses shall be non-permitted or prohibited uses.

Article 21

The permitted uses for the ZMRC shall comply with the following minimum regulations, without detriment to additional regulations that do not contradict those established in this article, which may be adopted by the DDU, via municipal agreement, for the purpose of enforcing the Regulatory Plan. Likewise, all specific regulations established in other laws and regulations in force must be applied.

Variable Uses Lots

Single-family – Residential – Commercial Services – Multi-family Residential
Minimum Lot Surface (m2) 250 250 250 250 1000
Minimum Lot Frontage (m) 8 10 10 20
Minimum Front Setback (m) 3 6 6 3
Minimum Lateral Setback (m) 3
Minimum Rear Setback (m) 5 4 4 4 5
Maximum height (floors) 2

Variable Uses Construction

Residential Single-family – Commercial Services – Residential Multi-family
Maximum height (meters) 8
Maximum coverage (%) 60 75 75 75 50
Minimum Green Area (%) 40 25 25 25 50
Maximum density – – – – 80 dwellings/ha

Special requirements

1. The front setback corresponds to the front yard.
2. Permitted uses may be developed in combination with residential for family businesses, in no more than 50% of the space occupied by the residential use.
3. In the case of multi-family housing, the necessary parking spaces must be confined within the same design.
4. When the multi-family development is less than ten rooms, it must guarantee the minimum green area for septic drainage or have a wastewater treatment system approved by the Ministry of Health; when it is greater than or equal to 10 rooms, it must necessarily include a wastewater treatment system approved by the Ministry of Health.
5. A third floor or a maximum height of 12 m may be authorized when the project contemplates an increase in the green area for drainage, a proportional increase in parking, and with the approval of the DGAC.
6. For uses 33, 68, and 125, the minimum lot area shall be 500 m², the front setback of 6 m, side setbacks of 3 m, and rear setbacks of 5 m. For uses 33 and 125, in the case of more than 10 rooms, it must provide its own drinking water supply and have a wastewater treatment system approved by the Ministry of Health.

Contact me now to view this Large Flat Commercial Building Lot in San Joaquin de Flores for sale.

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